Project Management

Take your project management and project control to the next level with a system solution that matches your business.

Save resources

Gather everything in one place and save resources for other tasks than administration and duplication.

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System på low-code plattform

Adapted to your project model

Have your system adapt to you, not the other way around. Our project management system solution is based on your own templates and processes – no compromises.

Use data to your advantage

With correct decision-making data and company-specific reports, you can make important decisions without delay or error. Make important decisions in real-time.

Unlimited number of licenses.

Experience project management without counting licenses. You can also change views for each project participant based on their role or the project.

A range of functions for project management

Select milestones

In its simplest form, a milestone is a header, a planned date, or a date of completion. More than this, we help you link milestones to other operational objects that are specific to you and your project.

Automatic notifications and events

When a deadline is passed or is being passed, the system notifies everyone who needs to know. You can also display events in the project view.

Project overview

Need overview of phases or project status? We set up a rational dashboard that provides a clear view of the current project status.

Diagrams and graphs

Use data to your advantage. Visualize key figures using diagrams and graphs for the project and get a quick overview of the most important information.

Deviation reports

Correct deviations quickly and easily with support from deviation reports in the dashboard. Gain understanding of which projects and tasks need closer attention – faster.


From general project status to details in only a few clicks. An interactive dashboard enables you to easily navigate and segment a limited selection of information.

Support for multiple processes

If you need more than standard activity lists, we help you implement a process support where each activity is processed as a ‘mini-project’ or case.

Standardized fields

Save time and make efficient work flows using standardized fields.




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